As a Canadian seeking to become qualified to practice law, you have a range of study options abroad. OzTREKK’s aim is to assist you in choosing the best Australian law school for you!

How is COVID-19 affecting the world of law? Follow Newcastle Law School’s Law in Lockdown to learn more about how it’s disrupting the law and legal system.

7 April 2020 Events

Studying Law in Australia webinar

Have you considered studying law in Australia? You’ve got more options than you think. Join OzTREKK on April 8, 2020 for our upcoming webinar to find out if studying law at an Australian university is right for you.

When you study at the University of Newcastle Law School, you can have confidence that you’ll be studying under the guidance of well-respected instructors.

Are you interested in studying law but unsure about your options? Then please join OzTREKK and the University of Sydney Law School Dean of Law Professor Joellen Riley at one of the upcoming Sydney Law School seminars—across Canada Oct. 15 – 22!