When looking to study internationally, you have two options: You can apply directly with the university or, you can apply through one of their international education agents.
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How I got into medical school—and how I prepared
The decision to study abroad kind of snuck up on me. I had tried to get into medicine in Ontario and was unsuccessful. I had to handle a lot of rejections from Canadian medical schools—just like thousands of other students.
What I wish I knew before studying physiotherapy
One of the most frequent tips we hear from current physio students and graduates is, “Know your anatomy and physiology.” Read their advice!
What is the ISAT?
The ISAT assesses your ability to understand and analyze, and is sometimes used as an admissions test for degrees like medicine and dentistry.
5 reasons you should consider a career in STEM teaching
Think a career in STEM only means working in science, technology, engineering, or math? Have you considered becoming a teacher?
What is the difference between occupational therapy and physiotherapy?
What’s the difference between physiotherapy and occupational therapy? There are significant differences. but there are areas where they overlap. We’ll walk you through the basics so you can choose the right degree for you.
Understanding Physiotherapy Licensing: How to Practice Physiotherapy in Canada
You’ve studied a CAPR-recognized physiotherapy degree in Australia, and now you’d like to use your degree in Canada. Now what? We’ll walk you through it.
Bringing Your Furry Friend to Australia: A Canadian’s Guide
Australia is a dream study destination for many, and why shouldn’t your furry companion join you on your adventure?
Gaining professional registration as a chiropractor in Canada
Like Canada, few post-secondary institutions in Australia offer chiropractic programs. Meet Macquarie University, a university offering world-renowned chiropractic degrees for Canadians.
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