Former OzTREKKer Cameron Bowers had a dream to become a doctor. Thanks to her persistence and dedication, she’s fulfilled that dream!
Meet Jilsy and Nadia. They applied to Griffith Medical School straight from high school. Yes, that’s something you can do, too!
Of course, 2020 was a crazy year to start medical school. Here’s how we survived our transition to online learning. Our motto? Do what works for you!
Thinking of studying medicine? Here, Griffith medical student and OzTREKK Ambassador Jaqueline talks about the unexpected struggle she faced—and how she overcame it! It’s not what you think!
What’s the first year of the Griffith MD really like? One student shares her “first year of medical school” journey!
How is bedside learning different at Griffith Medical School? Here, Canadian students talk about their bedside learning during second year at Griffith.
No matter your field of study, the switch from in-class lectures and workshops to everything being online is quite the shock. I think everyone can use a little help when it comes to being in charge of your own learning.
Have you received an offer to Griffith Medical School? Then you are invited to apply for a Griffith Pro Vice Chancellor (Health) Doctor of Medicine Scholarship! This scholarship is for high-achieving students applying for the Doctor of Medicine program at Griffith University. This award is valued at $10,000 in total (two payments of $5,000 in the first year of the program).
When you think about going home for the “middle of the year” break, you think about all the amazing Canadian things you get to do/eat. It feels amazing to be done half a year of school and to head home to see family and friends. But here’s the part that I didn’t spend any time thinking about: coming back.
When people heard that I was planning to take my dogs with me to medical school in Australia many thought I was crazy. But the truth is, even before I applied to school in Australia, I had already looked up to make sure I could take my dogs. They are a part of my family and going without them was never an option.
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