What Does It Take to Get Into an Australian Dental School?

23 January 2025

What does it take to get into an Australian dental school?

The road to studying dentistry in Australia can sometimes have bumps along the way, especially when it comes to being rejected from your dream school, or facing obstacles before you can even get through the application phase.

young female dentist working with patient
Learn more about your Australian dental school options

Are you stuck and wondering about your options?

We’ve put together some of the most common hurdles our students face, and what you can do if you find yourself in one of these situations.

You don’t meet Melbourne’s prerequisites

The University of Melbourne DDS prerequisites are quite strict and require that students have completed approved courses in human anatomy, human physiology, and biochemistry to be eligible to apply.

The anatomy prerequisite in particular tends to be the largest barrier for many of our students. A class with a lab component with human cadaveric materials is required. Because of this, only certain anatomy courses are approved and not every Canadian school offers approved courses. This is especially true for students on the west coast, as there are no approved courses at UBC or uVic. Don’t fret, though—we’ve got some an alternative pathway for you.

Enroll in an approved course
Although you cannot apply unless you meet the prerequisites, Melbourne allows you to enroll in these courses during the application season. These courses can be taken as non-award classes or open studies and don’t need to be taken as part of your degree to count toward meeting the prerequisite requirement. This means you can submit your application early in the year with your interim transcript and proof of enrollment in the class. Once you complete the prerequisite course, you will need to submit an updated transcript as proof of completion.

Have a look at Melbourne’s assessed subjects under “Assessing prerequisite subjects” and “Assessed subjects – International institutions” to see if the courses you have taken in these subjects have been approved. On the righthand side of the spreadsheet you will see whether the course has been listed as approved or not approved.

Be sure to check the spreadsheet often, as it’s updated regularly. Before enrolling in any prerequisite course, we advise checking with either your admissions team or the university to make sure the course will satisfy the prerequisite. Usually, Melbourne requires students to complete the course(s) by November for the upcoming intake; however, we advise you to complete required courses by the end of the summer before outcomes to avoid any timing issues with starting a student visa if issued an offer.

If you haven’t completed the prerequisite course at the time offers are issued, then the university will issue a conditional offer. When you have successfully completed the required anatomy/physiology/biochemistry course(s), your final transcript will need to be submitted, and the condition on your offer will be lifted.

Prerequisite Subject Assessment
If the anatomy, physiology and/or biochemistry courses that you’ve completed are not on the chart, you can have your courses assessed by completing a Prerequisite Subject Assessment Form and submitting it here. You’ll need to include full course outlines for each course you want assessed. We recommend you do this as soon as possible before applying so you can plan accordingly. You may need to enroll in an approved subject as per above.

Dental Aptitude Test or Dental Admission Test

If you haven’t written the DAT, you still have options. OzTREKK represents several dental programs that don’t require the DAT as part of their admissions requirements. Charles Sturt University, Griffith University, James Cook University, La Trobe University, The University of Queensland, and The University of Western Australia are open to candidates applying directly from high school and to those who have partially or fully completed one or more post-secondary degrees. The University of Otago offers a graduate-entry Bachelor of Dental Surgery program that doesn’t require the DAT.

Your DAT does not meet the minimum requirements
To be eligible to apply, you must meet the DAT minimum requirements for each program. If one or more sections of your DAT does not meet these requirements, but you are keen to apply to the graduate-entry programs, you will need to rewrite the exam. DAT reports are valid for 2 years.

The DAT is now offered throughout the year at professional test centres across Canada. OzTREKK’s university partners will also accept the American DAT in lieu of the Canadian version of the test.

Your Degree & GPA

Your degree is too old
A few of our university partners have a “10-year rule.” This means that your degree needs to have been completed within the past 10 years to be eligible to apply. This is to ensure that the information you’ve been taught is fresh and relevant to your studies. If your degree has been completed outside of this time frame but you are interested in the graduate dental programs, you will need to consider enrolling and completing a new degree.

The undergraduate dental programs do not have a 10-year rule, although if you haven’t done any studies in recent years, the universities may ask for a résumé to see your work experience and other activities you’ve participated in since finishing your education.

Your GPA is too low
Unfortunately, if your cGPA from your undergraduate degree is doesn’t meet the minimum requirements, then you must complete an entirely new degree to be eligible to apply; however, if you’re not looking to complete an entirely new degree, the undergrad programs may be an option for you. Most of the undergraduate programs assess students based on any university studies that they complete, so enrolling in further courses (ideally completing one year of a new degree) and achieving high marks could help to improve your overall cGPA. If you’re interested in  this pathway, please reach out to dentistry@oztrekk.com for more information.

How to Apply to an Australian Dental School

Applying to the Australian dental schools listed below via OzTREKK is streamlined and stress-free. You can apply to multiple dental programs at the same time via our OzTREKK application. Have a look at some of the dentistry programs we represent:

While these are some of the most common hurdles that our students face when it comes to eligibility for dentistry degrees, we understand there may be other barriers. If there’s an eligibility problem you’re facing that isn’t listed here, please reach out to dentistry@oztrekk.com.

Australian Dental Programs  | Practicing Dentistry in Canadadentistry@oztrekk.com  |  Eligibility  |  1-866-698-7355