Bond Physiotherapy School application deadline is coming up!
Thinking of applying to Bond Physiotherapy School? Don’t forget that the application deadline is coming up in a month—all application documents must be received by Thursday, August 14, 2014 in order to meet the application deadline of August 15 (Australia time).
Also known as physical therapy, the graduate physiotherapy program at Bond University embraces a holistic approach, with a strong emphasis on communication skills, ethics and preventative management. Extensive clinical training ensures graduates will be able to effectively relate to and treat physiotherapy patients and clients on every level.
The Doctor of Physiotherapy is an innovative problem-based learning model of physiotherapy education to prepare entry-level physiotherapists for their roles and responsibilities as first contact practitioners.
Entry Requirements for Bond’s Doctor of Physiotherapy Program
To be eligible to apply to the Bond University Doctor of Physiotherapy, you must have
– successfully completed a Bachelor of Exercise Science or Bachelor of Sport Science or equivalent from a recognized institution;
– have achieved a GPA of at least 5.00 on a 7-point scale in your university studies; and
– completed the DPT minimum prerequisite subjects as follows:
- Two semesters of Human Anatomy
- Two semesters of Human Physiology
- One semester of Research/Statistics
- One semester of Physiology of Exercise
- One semester of Biomechanics
- One semester of Exercise Prescription
- Successful performance at a selection interview
Program: Doctor of Physiotherapy (DPT)
Location: Gold Coast, Queensland
Next intake: May 2015
Duration: 2 years
Application deadline: August 15, 2014
Apply now to Bond Physiotherapy School!
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