Australian dentistry school students: adjusting to life in Australia
OzTREKK Australian Dental Schools Admissions Officer Alexa visited Australia for the first time this past summer. With the cold Canadian weather we’ve been having (already!), she’s been reminiscing about her trip. Here are some of the surprises she encountered and how OzTREKK dentistry students are handling living Down Under! (Hint: They are loving the weather!)
What do OzTREKK students say about adjusting to life in Australia?
“It wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. I think it’s because I had time to get ready for my move. I’m loving every minute here and I’m so happy I decided to study in Australia.” Griffith dentistry student
“It’s been great so far. A bit cold here in Orange but nothing compared to Canada’s winter. The people are very nice and helpful. The campus is small so you get to know everyone. It’s been a very smooth process so far. We get mid-session breaks 2 weeks each semester so if you don’t plan on going back home my advice for you is to go visit other cities here. Sydney is really nice and there’s loads of stuff to do. The Gold Coast is also amazing especially during winter to escape from the cold here in Orange. Lots of beaches everywhere!” CSU dentistry student
“Amazing!!! I love my University and program; I love having the balance of studying and fun in the Gold Coast. My dental program provides state of the art facilities and the professors have been very helpful through the transition. I also got credited for many courses which saved me a lot of time and money.” Griffith dentistry student

“It is going well, I took to it fairly quickly though I still adapt to new things every day. [I recommend students] scuba dive and hike.” JCU dentistry student
“Love it! It is very similar to Canada but with better weather.” Melbourne dentistry student
“It has been far easier than expected despite it being my first time living on my own. The country is well tailored for Canadians. Enjoy the weather while you can. There are plenty of sites to see and places to visit.” Melbourne dentistry student
“Fantastic! I love it here! It will be a shock when you first arrive because it is so damn hot and that lasts until close to April. May starts cooling off. June and July were quite cold, especially early mornings and nights and I pulled out all my Canadian sweaters! The people are great. It feels a lot like Canada!” UQ dentistry student
“It’s been great. If my entire family didn’t live back home I’d probably stay here forever.” Sydney dentistry student
“It definitely took some time, but it’s pretty good. Australians are definitely more relaxed in Perth and are accustomed to a slower lifestyle. But the weather is amazing and the beaches are beautiful! The only thing I’m still having a hard time adjusting to is the time the shops are closed. During the week, most malls are closed by 5 pm!” UWA dentistry student
Think you might like to study dentistry in Australia?
Graduate Entry: Some Australian dental schools offer a graduate-entry dental program. This pathway is exactly the same as in Canada, where you first have to complete an undergraduate degree, such as a Bachelor of Science, and then you apply to a four-year dental program.
Undergraduate Entry: Some Australian dental schools allow you to enter into a dental program directly from high school or with a partially completed undergraduate degree. These undergraduate degrees are typically five years.
- Charles Sturt University Dental School
- Griffith University Dental School
- James Cook University Dental School
- University of Melbourne Dental School
- University of Queensland Dental School
- University of Sydney Dental School
- University of Western Australia Dental School
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