4 tips to succeed in online learning
So your classes are online… now what? Here are 4 tips to help you succeed!
Hey everyone, it’s Jennifer!
With the new “COVID normal” that everyone has started to settle into there have been a lot of adjustments. Unfortunately, this has included moving to online classes. I’ll be honest, I struggle quite a bit with online learning and I tried to avoid it as much as possible in my undergrad. Well, living in Victoria has made it so my entire first year of my Master of Teaching in Early Years and Primary program at Monash University has been online. As hard as it’s been, I have been able to pick up some tips and tricks that will hopefully help you all!
#1 Make a schedule and stick to it!
Although all I have to do for classes is roll out of bed and make sure my computer is charged, this did not help my productivity for classes whatsoever, and made it hard to concentrate. I soon started to incorporate a routine, including going for a walk in the morning to mirror walking to campus. This helps me to feel as though I have structure and something to do during the day, rather than the alternative of just laying in bed scrolling on my phone.
If you haven’t already, start a skincare routine, make a more intricate breakfast like a smoothie bowl, go for a 10-minute walk just to incorporate movement into your day. Even just getting out of loungewear is a huge step to helping you feel more productive!
#2 Remember, this is not like being on campus and expectations are different.
Yes, you’re still doing classes, but they aren’t going to be the same unfortunately. You won’t be able to get the same camaraderie and friendships as in-person classes, but see this as an opportunity to become more versed in the online world of Zoom classes. Take the time to actually do all of your readings, and try doing your own research on the topics discussed in class! It may not be what we wanted or expected, but take it with a grain of salt and try something new.
#3 Experiment with your note-taking.
During my undergrad and my in-person classes, I always took notes on my computer—during class, readings, all my notes were on my computer. With this new online learning throughout this year, I transitioned to taking notes on paper, which I have not done since high school. It took me about two weeks to realize that I preferred writing out my notes compared to typing it out and it has worked out amazingly for me!
I would also recommend trying out taking notes on a tablet with apps like GoodNotes or Notability. Unfortunately, I have an older iPad so I haven’t been able to try this out for myself, but I have friends who swear by this style of note-taking. Remember, everyone takes notes differently, and it may take a while to find the style you prefer.
# 4 Get connected with your cohort!
Since none of my cohort has been able to meet in person yet, someone in one of my classes created a Facebook group for us to get to know each other, and it has been great! You never realize how isolating being online can be, until something like the Facebook group is created.
In my program, we have to take a math and literacy test called “LANTITE,” which I am incredibly nervous for. With the group, we have been able to talk about our nerves, and our studying strategies. It’s overall just a great way to remind yourself that you are not alone, and there are people behind the screens who are going through the same struggles as you are. It’ll also help once you head on campus and can say “hi” to the people you’ve been getting to know through the groups!
I hope these four tips help you guys with trying to navigate this online learning, and hopefully will make it a bit easier for you. Remember, give yourself grace and time to get used to this new system and don’t be too hard on yourself. Everything is going through the same struggles and ask for help if you need it!
This is new for everyone, so help each other out! If you ever have any questions about learning online, feel free to reach out on Instagram and of course, OzTREKK.
Good luck, learners. You’ve got this!
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