Did you know pharmacy students have ranked James Cook University’s (JCU) Bachelor of Pharmacy the best in Australia? JCU, which achieved a nearly 93% satisfaction rating…

James Cook University boasts a modern integrated curriculum where students are exposed to various modes of teaching across the subject areas:  lectures, tutorials, workshops, practicals…

James Cook University is the second oldest university in Queensland, and Australia’s leading university in the tropics. In response to a critical pharmacy workforce shortage…

The JCU Pharmacy School applications for the 2016 intake are now open via OzTREKK! James Cook University’s Bachelor of Pharmacy program aims to equip graduates…

27 February 2015 News

JCU Pharmacy School facilities

JCU Pharmacy School boasts a modern integrated curriculum where students are exposed to various modes of teaching across the subject areas:  lectures, tutorials, workshops, practicals…

3 September 2014 News

Pharmacy at JCU

JCU boasts a modern integrated pharmacy curriculum where students are exposed to various modes of teaching across the subject areas: lectures, tutorials, workshops, practicals undertaken…

21 March 2014 News

OzTREKK Funny Friday

A lady walked into a pharmacy and told the pharmacist that she needed some cyanide. The pharmacist was shocked and replied, “Why in the world do…