OzTREKK Funny Friday

21 March 2014

A lady walked into a pharmacy and told the pharmacist that she needed some cyanide.

Australian Pharmacy Schools in Australia
Want to study pharmacy? Hop to it!

The pharmacist was shocked and replied, “Why in the world do you need cyanide?”
The lady then explained she needed it to poison her husband.
The pharmacist’s eyes got big and he stammered, “I— I can’t give you cyanide to kill your husband! They’ll throw both of us in jail!”
The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her husband in the arms of the pharmacist’s wife.
The pharmacist looked at the picture and nodded.
“Well, now. You didn’t tell me you had a prescription.”
Bachelor of Pharmacy
The Bachelor of Pharmacy is an undergraduate degree. It leads to a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy and is designed to equip students for a career in the pharmacy profession. Students can enter a pharmacy program directly from high school. Students from Canada who have already completed an undergraduate degree may also apply for entry into Australian Bachelor of Pharmacy programs.

Career Opportunities

As a key professional branch of the health-care system, pharmacists are sought after for positions in the public and private sector. Most pharmacists will opt for a career in either a hospital or a community pharmacy; however, employment opportunities also exist within pharmaceutical industry, medical research institutes, pharmacy administration, education or in the public and armed services.

Australian Pharmacy Schools

Are you interested in studying pharmacy at a pharmacy school in Australia? Contact OzTREKK’s Australian Pharmacy Schools Officer Rachel Brady at rachel@oztrekk.com, or call toll free in Canada at 1 866-698-7355. Find out how OzTREKK helps you to study in Australia!
