UQ Veterinary School’s Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours) program
The Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours), offered at the UQ Gatton Campus, is one of the most sought after programs in Australia, attracting the very best students and producing veterinarians that are in high demand both in Australia and around the world.
The program has full accreditation with the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (UK) and the American Veterinary Medical Association ensuring that the program is quality assured to world’s best practice in veterinary education. This also means that UQ graduates are able to practice in most countries including Australia, New Zealand, UK, Hong Kong and most countries in Asia. In addition, veterinary science graduates are eligible to sit the North American Veterinary Licensing Exam without a credentialing process.
Program: Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours)
Location: Gatton, Queensland
Semester intake: February
Program duration: 5 years
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