UQ Law School welcomes new academic staff member
The UQ Law School has recently welcomed a new academic staff member, Lee Aitken, who joined the school as an Associate Professor on Feb. 3.
Lee has more than 15 years of teaching experience and has held positions at the University of Alberta, the University of Sydney and the University of Hong Kong. He has taught equity and trusts, civil procedure and evidence, real and personal property, company law, contracts, the conflict of laws, insolvency, commercial law, and banking and finance law. In addition, he has written more than 70 articles on commercial law, insolvency, federal jurisdiction and other topics.
After practicing as a solicitor from 1979 to 1989, Lee was admitted as a barrister of the Supreme Court of New South Wales in 1994. Between admission and 2005 he maintained a large and diverse commercial practice focused principally in the Equity and Commercial Lists of the Supreme Court, the NSW Court of Appeal, and the High Court of Australia, and in the Supreme Courts of other states and territories (particularly Queensland and the ACT), and the Federal Court of Australia.
About UQ Law School
The University of Queensland Law School is a long established and leading Australian law school. The law school is committed to providing high quality undergraduate and postgraduate legal education, and of contributing to the production of lasting and cutting-edge research.
The three-year, graduate-entry Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree at the UQ Law School is designed to provide students with a comprehensive and deep understanding of legal principles and institutions that is distinguished by its rigour, depth and conceptual sophistication. Your education in the law will include not only a thorough understanding of the concepts, principles, policies and values that underpin and permeate the law both in Australia and in other jurisdictions, but will also see you develop a critical and reflective attitude to the law, and more generally, a capacity for sustained critical analysis, thought and argument.
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