Master of Nursing at the University of Sydney Nursing School
The Master of Nursing at the University of Sydney prepares students for their future role as a registered nurse in an increasingly complex health care environment.
In the first year of the program, students will develop fundamental nursing knowledge and clinical skills as well as an understanding of caring for the acutely ill person and for those with mental health conditions. You will learn about bioscience as it relates to health and disease and will study subjects related to pharmacology, the social contexts of health and the illness experience.
Your knowledge of nursing will be expanded in the second year of the program, and you will learn about caring for people with chronic conditions as well as those in high acuity and community settings. Areas of study will also include leadership, research and evidence, health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations and health care in both the Australian and global contexts. In your last semester you will undertake a subject stream and clinical placement chosen from a range of options, including high acuity, mental health, paediatric and clinical nursing.
Sydney Nursing School combines hands-on learning with a strong theoretical basis:
Clinical simulation
Clinical simulation labs are home to full-body manikins installed with the latest simulation technology. They provide a safe environment in which to develop and practice clinical skills to increase your confidence and competence.
Case studies taken from real situations are programmed into the manikins allowing students to demonstrate your clinical and decision-making skills using realistic scenarios, and to respond to the needs of the patient. The manikin’s responses can be recorded, so students can review their performances.
Through simulated learning, you will become proficient, for example, at measuring blood pressure, monitoring a pulse, listening to breath, heart and bowel sounds, dressing wounds, preparing and administering medications, undertaking physical assessment and documenting patient information.
Clinical placements
The school offers more than 800 clinical practice hours in accordance with the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council requirements. Placement settings include emergency departments, intensive care units, paediatric units, mental health facilities and community health centres.
The majority of clinical placements take place within the Sydney metropolitan area and we also encourage rural, interstate and international placements. NSW Ministry of Health offers rural placement grants to assist nursing students with travel and accommodation costs associated with rural placements.
Lectures and tutorials
Master of Nursing students will be inspired by guest speakers and expert academic staff who are active in their field, contributing to best practice and policy development in nursing. During tutorials you will have the opportunity to explore concepts in depth and to share experiences with other students.
Your progress will be assessed through a variety of methods including exams, written assignments and projects, debates, ePortfolios, online activities, clinical assessments and performance appraisals.
Nursing at the University of Sydney
Program: Master of Nursing
Location: Sydney, New South Wales
Semester intake: March
Duration: 2 years
Application Deadline: TBC. For the 2015 intake, the application deadline was October 3, 2014.
Entry Requirements
A successful applicant for admission to the Master of Nursing
- will hold a bachelor degree in a discipline other than nursing; and
- will perform satisfactorily in an interview; and
- will perform satisfactorily on an admissions test.
Applicants who successfully meet the admission criteria will receive a conditional offer and an invitation to undertake an interview and literacy and numeracy tests. Literacy and numeracy tests for international students will be undertaken online and interviews will be held via Skype.
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