University of Sydney DVM Practical & Clinical Experience
The Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) at the University of Sydney is an exciting new graduate-entry veterinary program, which commenced this year. The DVM replaces the existing Bachelor of Veterinary Science at Sydney, and is open to applicants with a completed bachelor degree who wish to study veterinary medicine in a postgraduate learning environment. This program is internationally recognised and accredited so graduates can work around the world.
Practical and Professional Skills Development
Clinical skills and animal handling training commence in the first semester of the Sydney DVM, with opportunities to practice and repeat key skills using the vet school’s new clinical skills facility. Business management, communication and leadership will form part of training and development in professional practice. The emphasis on practical and professional skills development during the first three years ensures students will enter final year as a confident and capable veterinary intern.
Animal Husbandry Placements
To consolidate animal handling and husbandry training, and acquire an appreciation of the working of animal enterprises, students undertake placements at farms and other sites within the major animal industries.
University Veterinary Teaching Hospitals
The Sydney Faculty of Veterinary Science has University Veterinary Teaching Hospitals in Sydney and Camden, where students will work with a team of specialist veterinarians in well-equipped, high-quality clinical environments involving a wide range of companion animals, farm animals, racing animals and exotic and native species. Referral and primary accession cases are seen at both sites, with the Camden site also providing veterinary services to farms in the region.
Visiting specialists complement faculty specialists in most disciplines in providing an excellent learning environment for veterinary students. Knowledge of medicine, surgery, anaesthesia, radiology, clinical pathology and production animal issues are developed with small group teaching.
Preparatory Clinical Experience
Clinical contact commences during first semester of the Sydney DVM and continues throughout the course, culminating in the lecture-free final-year capstone experience program. Your knowledge of medicine, surgery, anaesthesia, radiology, clinical pathology and production animal issues will be developed while you participate in small group teaching. Surgical and anaesthetic skills are honed in the community spay-neuter program.
Final Year Partners in Veterinary Education
During the capstone experience year, students complete a series of rotations as veterinary student interns in our Veterinary Teaching Hospitals and with our Partners in Veterinary Education in a wide variety of locations. Core placements are within the areas of small animal practice, rural mixed practice and government agencies. Elective rotations enable students to focus on particular career interests and may be undertaken in areas such as government, industry, research, specialist practice, equine and wildlife medicine.
Sydney Veterinary School info sessions in Canada
Don’t forget: beginning Monday, March 16, 2015, Dean of Sydney Faculty of Veterinary Science Professor Rosanne Taylor will be visiting university campuses across Canada to answer any questions you may have about the Sydney DVM! Everyone is welcome to join these info sessions to find out more about studying veterinary medicine at the University of Sydney! If you have any questions, please contact OzTREKK’s Australian Veterinary Schools Officer Rachel Brady.
University of Guelph
Date: Monday, March 16
Time: 6 – 8 p.m.
University of Waterloo
Date: Tuesday, March 17
Time: 5:30 – 7 p.m.
University of Saskatchewan
Date: Wednesday, March 18
Time: 6 – 8 p.m.
University of Alberta
Date: Thursday, March 19
Time: 6 – 8 p.m.
University of British Columbia
Date: Friday, March 20
Time: 6 – 8 p.m.
University of Sydney Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Program title: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
Location: Sydney, New South Wales
Semester intake: February each year
Program duration: 4 years
Apply to the Sydney Veterinary School!
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