Sydney DMD disciplinary areas
The Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) at the University of Sydney is based on a full recognition of the greater level of academic maturity and higher level analytical, clinical and communication skills of postgraduate students. This allows for higher order learning with a greater emphasis on independent, self-directed study. Consequently it is expected that students will achieve quantitatively and qualitatively greater clinical—patient-based experience.
The content is organized according to seven broadly defined disciplinary areas consisting of smaller Units of Study (UoS). These disciplinary areas constitute discipline clusters of closely related/cognate disciplines to promote/facilitate the delivery of the degree. While the didactic teaching is discipline based, once students commence patient-based training, disciplines are integrated as students acquire a greater scope of clinical skills.
The following is a brief overview of the disciplinary areas:
- Integrated Life Sciences
- Research
- Professional and Community Practice
- Comprehensive Care Dentistry A
- Comprehensive Care Dentistry B
- Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry
- Oral Surgical and Diagnostic Sciences
- Integrated Clinical Dentistry
Integrated Life Sciences
This unit of study occupies a significant portion of learning in Year 1 and is incrementally replaced by clinically focused units of study as the course progresses. Foundation learning in addition to relevant online medical lectures are provided by the Sydney Medical School. A hybrid problem-based learning model is followed by the acquisition of an understanding of the human organ systems. Dentistry students review information obtained from lectures, in small groups, facilitated by dentistry educators, to gain an integrated understanding of common medical problems and their dental relevance.
This unit of study commences in Semester 1 of Year 1 with familiarizing students with the library, conducting literature searches and managing information, followed by Evidence-Based Dental Practice and research methodology. Students, working in groups, submit a literature review during Year 2 and commence engaging in hands-on research.
Professional and Community Practice
This unit of study comprises three cognate disciplines namely Professional Practice, Population Oral Health and Primary Care Dentistry. The unit of study will commence in Year 1 by providing students with the knowledge, skills and attributes as members of a dental team, motivational communication skills, initial skills for managing anxious patients, together with oral health promotion and disease prevention. Students will also be introduced to the study of disease from a population perspective. Finally, students will be equipped with the necessary skills to successfully run a private practice.
Comprehensive Care Dentistry A
This unit of study comprises the disciplines of Tooth Conservation, Endodontics, and a combined module of Trauma. It commences in Year 1 with simulation based training in Tooth Conservation, with patient-based restorative clinical experience commencing in Semester 2 Year 2 and continuing in an integrated manner as skills in other clinical disciplines are acquired.
Comprehensive Care Dentistry B
This unit of study is a combination of Prostodontics, Implantology, Periodontology, Occlusion, and Geriatric Dentistry. The latter is a combined module and will be presented together with the discipline of Orthodontics.
Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry
Both of these disciplines commence in Year 1 with an emphasis on the introduction of oral health education and disease prevention in childhood.
Oral Surgical and Diagnostic Sciences
This unit of study comprises Oral Radiology, Oral Pathology and Medicine, Orofacial Pain, and Oral Surgery. The latter three disciplines are presented in an integrated manner in Years 3 and 4, while Oral Radiology is primarily delivered in Years 1 and 2 and subsequent to this is integrated in clinical practice. Local Anaesthesia and a component of Exodontia are introduced in Year 2.
Integrated Clinical Dentistry
This unit of study builds on the discipline-specific training and the integrated clinic sessions completed in earlier years, this unit will enhance the student’s ability to integrate all aspects of patient care within the full range of teaching environments, including metropolitan and rural placements, as well as the main teaching centres of SDH and WCOH. The UoS will enhance the development of a clear understanding of the scope of specialist services available to patients in each of the disciplines. In light of this, students will understand their limitations in providing aspects of patient care and will know when and where to refer patients for more specialized treatment. Students will also become competent in integrating their knowledge in treatment of medically compromised patients and be able to communicate effectively with a range of health practitioners to ensure the best possible standard of dental care.
Sydney Dental School Doctor of Dental Medicine
Program: Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD)
Location: Sydney, New South Wales Dental Hospital campus (Surry Hills, a suburb of Sydney) and Camperdown/ Darlington campus (main campus)
Semester intake: February
Duration: 4 years
Application deadline: July 6, 2015. Please note that applications must be at the OzTREKK office by July 3, 2015 at 12 noon in order for your complete application to be submitted to the university on time.
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