Rehabilitation sciences career options? Come to the Western University Health Sciences fair!
OzTREKK at Western University’s Health Sciences Fair
Do you attend Western University? Are you interested in audiology, occupational therapy, chiropractic science, physiotherapy, or speech pathology?
You can meet OzTREKK at Western University on Wednesday, Nov. 9 and speak with OzTREKK Director Jaime Notman and Australian Rehabilitation Sciences Admissions Officer Krista McVeigh to explore your options!
This will be a great opportunity for you to find out about
- Australian universities that offer rehab sciences;
- admissions requirements;
- accreditation process—so you can take your degree home;
- when and how to apply;
- and much more!
Western University Career Directions Fair
Date: Nov. 9, 2016
Time: 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Location: Great Hall, Somerville House
OzTREKK Information session: 5:30 p.m.
Ask A Question
Ask us about your program of interest, or if you have a question about our services.