OzTREKK Funny Friday

25 April 2014

An elementary school teacher decided to poll the class on the difficulty of their math homework assignment.

Australian Teachers Colleges in Australia
Become a teacher, have problems—math problems!

“How many people were able to complete the assignment without parents’ help?” she asked, looking for a show of hands.
About 25% of the students raised their hands.
“How many people we able to complete the assignment with the help of a parent?”
About 70% of the students their hand.
At this, the teacher notices about 5% of the class did not raise their hands.
She then called out, “How many people had to help a parent complete your assignment?”

Australian Teachers Colleges

Are you thinking of becoming a teacher? Completing an Australian teacher education program provides an excellent opportunity to obtain the teaching qualifications you need, while experiencing the excitement and culture of living in a new country.


For more information about how to become a teacher, contact OzTREKK’s Australian Teachers Colleges Admissions Officer Rachel Brady at rachel@oztrekk.com, or call toll free at 1 866-698-7355. Find out more about how you can study in Australia and about teacher education programs at Australian universities.
