OzTREKK Funny Friday
What is a good name for an eye doctor?
How come optometry students are so dumb compared to med school students?
Because they only ever get C’s on their tests.
How come eye doctors are so smart?
Because they were good pupils.
What did the myopic eye say to the nose?
“I’m watching you!”
What did the GP say to the eyeball at a party?
“I’ll contact you later.”
What is an eye doctor’s favorite type of makeup?
University of Melbourne Doctor of Optometry (OD)
The Doctor of Optometry (OD) is four years in duration, and consists of a combination of on-campus teaching and clinical placements, with the clinical component commencing in Year 1 and gradually increasing to full time in the final year. Opportunities exist for clinical-related research to be conducted as a required component of the degree.
Program: Doctor of Optometry (OD)
Location: Melbourne, Victoria
Semester intake: Late February or early March
Duration: 4 years
Apply to the Melbourne Optometry School!
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