Ontario College of Teachers outlines regulation amendments

25 March 2014

Teaching is a regulated profession in Canada. Each province and territory in Canada has its own individual certification board. If you wish to teach in any one of these locations, you must apply to for certification though the specific provincial or territorial certification board. This stands for all students, whether they have completed their teacher education in Canada or abroad. Upon completion of a teacher education program, you are not automatically certified to teach in a certain province or territory. You first need to gain teacher certification through the province or territory you wish to work in.

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Questions? Contact OzTREKK’s Admissions Officer Rachel Brady

If you wish to work as a teacher in the province of Ontario after completing a teacher education degree, you will need to apply for certification through the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) before you can teach in Ontario. The OCT will then assess your teacher education degree to make sure your teaching qualifications meet their requirements.
Beginning on September 1, 2015, the initial teacher education program at Ontario’s faculties of education will expand to four semesters and include twice the amount of practice teaching time (80 days, up from 40) and greater attention to students’ mental health and well-being, how to teach with technology, and diversity among other core elements.
If a person applies for certification through the Ontario College of Teachers from September 1, 2015 onward, his or her credentials will be evaluated based on the enhanced teacher education program requirements in the province of Ontario. What this means is that anyone applying for teacher certification through the Ontario College of Teachers from September 1, 2015 onward must meet the requirements of the new, enhanced two-year teacher education program in the province of Ontario.
If you have any questions about certification with the OCT, please contact Australian Teachers Colleges Admissions Officer Rachel Brady at rachel@oztrekk.com.

About Australian Teachers Colleges

Are you thinking of becoming a teacher? Completing an Australian teacher education program provides an excellent opportunity to obtain the teaching qualifications you need, while experiencing the excitement and culture of living in a new country.
Australian teachers colleges name their graduate-entry education/teaching degrees in various ways (e.g., Graduate Diploma of Education, Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Master of Teaching). These are comparable to graduate-entry Bachelor of Education degrees offered at universities in Canada.
We at OzTREKK are proud to say that our Australian Teachers Colleges offer reputable teacher education programs, providing our students with a unique and enriching education, which allows for an easy transition into the teaching profession within Canada.


For more information about how to become a teacher, contact OzTREKK’s Australian Teachers Colleges Admissions Officer Rachel Brady at rachel@oztrekk.com, or call toll free at 1 866-698-7355. Find out more about how you can study in Australia and about teacher education programs at Australian universities.
