Newcastle Law PhD student to attend German Climate Geoengineering Summer School
Newcastle Law School PhD student Kerryn Brent has been invited to a prestigious Climate Geoengineering Summer School.
Kerryn Brent, studying a PhD in international environmental law and climate geoengineering with the Newcastle Law School, has been selected to take part in the 5th Interdisciplinary Summer School on Climate Engineering at Heidelberg University.
The aim of the Summer School is to encourage international interdisciplinary research and facilitate an exchange of ideas regarding climate geoengineering. Kerryn will participate alongside 70 early-career researchers from across the world in lectures and collaborative working groups to develop new perspectives and understandings on the issues that surround climate engineering.
Kerryn is also one of only 12 international scholars from the Summer School invited to participate in an intensive research program on geoengineering at the Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam. As part of this program, Kerryn will work within the German climate geoengineering research community on collaborative research projects for two weeks. These projects will be drawn from issues raised at the summer school and are to be presented to an international audience at the inaugural 2014 Climate Engineering Conference (CEC14).
University of Newcastle Law School Juris Doctor (JD) Program
The Newcastle Law School is now offering a Juris Doctor (JD) degree!
Program: Juris Doctor (JD)
Location: Newcastle (Callaghan)
Duration: 3 years
Semester intake: February
Application deadline: There is no official application deadline; however, it is recommended that students apply at least three months prior to the program’s start date.
Apply to the Juris Doctor program at the University of Newcastle Law School!
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