Monash professor co-chairs International AIDS conference

22 August 2014

The week of July 20 to July 25 held the biggest medical conference ever held in Australia.
AIDS 2014, the 20th International AIDS Conference held in Melbourne, saw President Bill Clinton, founder of the Clinton Foundation and 42nd President of the United States, and activist Sir Bob Geldof among the high-level speakers.
Thousands of the world’s top AIDS researchers, community leaders, people living with HIV and policy-makers attending this important event.
AIDS 2014 gathered representatives of science, civil society, politics, and private sector to discuss together at an international level the most pressing issues linked to HIV/AIDS.
Monash University’s Professor Sharon Lewin was this year’s local co-chair, and said having high-profile leaders in attendance showed that HIV and AIDS remained a global challenge, which needed strong political and scientific leadership.
“We are confident that delegates attending AIDS 2014 will take advantage of the many opportunities for sharing best practices, hearing new research and building the base for future collaboration,” Professor Lewin said.
The Monash professor also encouraged delegates to experience the other activities at the conference, including the vibrant Global Village and Youth Pavillion and cultural activities that took place in Melbourne for AIDS 2014.

The Monash University Central Clinical School’s Department of Infectious Diseases (DID) offers clinical and biomedical research and education. DID staff, through their joint clinical appointments at Alfred Health’s Infectious Diseases Unit, have expertise in general infectious diseases, tuberculosis, respiratory infections, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmissible infections, and travel related infections. The department integrates clinical services with clinical and basic science research. The service has a leading research program in HIV. Laboratories are based within the Burnet Institute with a presence within the Central Clinical School.

Monash University Medical School Program

The Monash Medical School’s graduate-entry degree emphasizes clinical communication skills and early clinical contact visits to medical practices, community care facilities and hospitals.
Program: Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
Location: Gippsland Campus, Churchill, Victoria (approx. 2 hours southeast of Melbourne)
Semester intake: February 2015
Duration: 4 years
Application deadline: September 26, 2014

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