Melbourne Medical School applications open for 2016 intake

20 February 2015

Applications to the Melbourne MD program for the February 2016 intake at the University of Melbourne are now officially open via OzTREKK!

University of Melbourne Medical School
Learn more about the Melbourne MD

About the Melbourne Doctor of Medicine Program

Program: Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Location: Melbourne, Victoria
Semester intake: February
Duration: 4 years
Application deadline: TBC by the faculty. For the 2015 intake, the application deadline for the Melbourne MD was June 23, 2014.
The Melbourne MD is a four-year, graduate-entry medical program that builds on the University of Melbourne’s reputation for excellence in teaching and research. It enables students to become outstanding medical practitioners who will excel as world-class leaders in their chosen field.

Entry Requirements for the Melbourne MD Program

To apply to the Melbourne MD, eligible Canadian applicants must have

  • successfully completed an undergraduate degree in any discipline at a recognized university;
  • completed prerequisite second-year university subjects (one each) in anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. Subjects from overseas universities will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • completed the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) or the Graduate Australian Medical School Admission Test (GAMSAT); and
  • received an invitation by the University of Melbourne to sit a multi-mini interview (MMI).

The selection of eligible international applicants, including Canadians, will be based on the following:

  • Academic record: grade point average (GPA) from a completed three-year (or more) university degree in any discipline (with prerequisites met and studies completed within the last 10 years)
  • Test results in an aptitude test, MCAT or GAMSAT: MCAT test results from January 2012 to May 2014 (inclusive) will be accepted for those applying for the 2015 intake. Applicants sitting the MCAT test more than once within this date range may choose which set of scores to include with their application
  • Structured multi-mini interview (MMI)

Accreditation & Licensing

OzTREKK will be hosting its annual Canadian Medical Licensing seminars across Canada, which are exclusive to those who apply to an Australian Medical School via OzTREKK. These workshops provide you with the latest information regarding the accreditation and licensing process if you wish to return to Canada to practice, and provide you with options and the latest information if you wish to attain a residency in the U.S. or stay in Australia.

Apply to Melbourne Medical School!


Contact OzTREKK’s Australian Medical Schools Admissions Officer Sarah Bridson for more information about how to apply to Melbourne Medical School. Email Sarah at or call toll free in Canada at 1-866-698-7355.

Wishing you all the best with your application to Melbourne Medical School!
