Deadline to meet conditions of offer (if applicable): Dec. 19, 2014
OzTREKK Welcome Breakfast at Melbourne for new DDS students: Jan. 21, 2015
Mandatory orientation: Jan. 22 – 23, 2015
Enrollment deadline: Jan. 23, 2015
First day of class: Jan. 27, 2015
Congratulations to all of our OzTREKK students who have received an offer! Matt looks forward to meeting you in Australia for our OzTREKK Orientation events in January 2015! Join us for the OzTREKK Welcome Breakfast and OzTREKK Shuttle, and get to know your fellow Melbourne DDS peers. Let us help you get settled in Melbourne!
Don’t forget to check out the OzTREKK Boarding Pass site for more information about getting you prepared to leave for Australia, and be sure to attend the upcoming OzTREKK Pre-departure seminars held across Canada!
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Ask us about your program of interest, or if you have a question about our services.