Meeting the University of Melbourne’s Prerequisites
You’re excited to apply to the University of Melbourne’s Doctor of Dental Surgery or Doctor of Physiotherapy, but then you discover you don’t meet the prerequisites.
Now what?
If you’ve checked the Melbourne’s Prerequisites page and find you don’t meet the prerequisites, don’t worry! You still have a few options to explore.
You have a prerequisite course, but it’s not on Melbourne’s list
If you couldn’t find your course on the list, this simply means no one has previously had those specific courses assessed and Melbourne will need to assess them.
You can have your courses assessed by completing a University of Melbourne Prerequisite Assessment Application (below) and submitting it directly to the university. You will need to include full course outlines for each course you’d like the university to assess.
#OzTREKKTip: Multiple course outlines can be used to prove you meet the requirements for each prerequisite.
Here’s what you need to do:
Doctor of Dental Surgery
Step 1: Fill out the Melbourne Dentistry Prerequisite Assessment Application
Step 2: Submit the form here
Doctor of Physiotherapy
Step 1: Fill out the Melbourne Physiotherapy Prerequisite Assessment Application
Step 2: Submit the form here
If needed, we recommend you do this as soon as possible before applying, so you can plan accordingly.
Your courses were on Melbourne’s list, but they weren’t approved, or you haven’t taken the prerequisite
If your courses are listed as “not approved,” it means you’ll need to take an additional approved course to meet the requirement. You can enroll and complete an approved course throughout the year to meet the requirement, as long as it is completed by November/December.
If you’re interested in enrolling, please let your student advisor know, as OzTREKK requires your proof of enrollment for your application. If you will not be enrolling, also let your student advisor know and they will close your application.
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