Learn more about medical licensing and accreditation

23 August 2016

Great news! OzTREKK will be hosting an online medical licensing webinar in case you were unable to attend the in-person seminars this past spring. This is just one of the many services we offer our students!

Learn more about medical licensing and accreditation
Study medicine in Australia (Photo: Monash University)

Medical Licensing & Accreditation

During this webinar, you will receive the latest information, data, statistics and pathways on becoming a doctor if you complete your studies at an Australian medical school and wish to obtain an internship and residency in Australia, practice in the U.S. or return to Canada.
Each year, we host medical school licensing seminars and online webinars which take you through the entire process of becoming licensed to practice in Australia, in the U.S., or in Canada.
Learn more about

  • the latest information about the licensing process in Canada, the US and Australia;
  • the pathways to becoming a doctor in Canada, the US and Australia;
  • the process of how to apply in Canada, the US and Australia to become a doctor;
  • the latest information and statistics on the Canadian residency match, the US residency match, and the Australian internship and residency match;
  • information about the licensing examinations in Canada and the US, what they are, when you need to sit them, and the application process; and
  • the latest developments and news related to licensing and accreditation from the various forms of government and medical bodies in Canada, the US and Australia.

If you are an OzTREKK student who plans to attend one of the following medical schools, this webinar is for you!

  • Griffith University Medical School
  • James Cook University Medical School
  • Monash University Medical School
  • University of Melbourne Medical School
  • University of Queensland Medical School
  • University of Sydney Medical School

Upcoming OzTREKK Medical Licensing Webinar

Date: Wednesday, August 31
Time: 7 p.m. (Ontario time) 4 p.m. (BC time)

To register for an this OzTREKK Medical Licensing Webinar, please contact OzTREKK’s Australian Medical Schools Admissions Officer Courtney Frank at courtney@oztrekk.com or call toll free in Canada 1-866-698-7355.
