OzTREKK Physiotherapy Week: June 15 – 19

12 June 2020

So, you’re interested in physiotherapy! Are you wondering where to start? What does physio in Australia look like? What are your options when you finish your degree? There’s so much to know!

Well, you won’t want to miss Physio Week (or meeting our amazing Physio team!).



Each day next week, we’ll be unveiling new information and tips on our Physiotherapy 101 website (we hope you enjoy the puns as much as enjoyed workin’ them in) and having students takeover our OzTREKK Instagram account.

OzTREKK Physiotherapy Week

Monday, June 15
Programs: We’re bone-afied experts

  • Get the need-to-know info about each university and physio program! What makes their program unique? What does a typical week look like? What are placements like?
  • A University of Queensland physio student will be on our Instagram account for the day to answer your questions about studying physio in Australia.

Tuesday, June 16
Applications & Interviews: It’s going tibia okay

  • Discover how easy our pre-assessment and application process is!
  • Get top-notch interview advice from other OzTREKKers who aced their interviews and are now living their dreams in Australia.

Wednesday, June 17
Studying & Placements: Australia’s better than the wrist

  • A current Flinders University physio student takes over our Instagram account to share his studying and placement experiences!
Australian physiotherapy schools
Learn more about studying physiotherapy at an Australian university!

Thursday, June 18
Licensing: Are you in-tendon to return to Canada?

  • Join a University of Sydney physio alumna for a webinar about coming back home to practice. From the accreditation process to job searching, she’s been there and wants to share her experience with you! Be sure to register to get your log-in info!

Friday, June 19
Staying in Australia: I’m patellin’ ya—it’s great!

  • Our Instagram is coming to you live from Australia again! A University of Melbourne physio grad will be taking over our account to share a glimpse into her post-uni life in Aus.

OzTREKK is here to help!

We know preparing to study on the other side of the world is incredibly exciting, but we also know it can be intimidating. Our goal is to give you heaps of information that will help you know what studying physio in Australia is all about.

How to Apply to an Australian Physiotherapy School

Applying to a physiotherapy program via OzTREKK is streamlined and stress-free. You can apply to multiple physio programs at the same time via our online OzTREKK Australian Physio Schools application.


Need help with your physiotherapy application? Want to find out where you’re most competitive? Contact OzTREKK’s Australian physiotherapy schools Admissions Officer at rehabsci@oztrekk.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
