Bushfires in Australia

7 January 2020

As most everyone knows, Australia is currently experiencing catastrophic bushfires across all states, especially New South Wales and Victoria.

No doubt you’ve been drawn to the TV, the news, and your Facebook feed over the last few weeks, watching the devastation happening in Australia. Our whole team has been there with you. We have been receiving many questions from our students wondering if it’s safe to travel there, if they should travel there, or if there are any precautions they should take.

Everyone in the OzTREKK office has friends or acquaintances currently in Australia and we’ve been in regular contact with them to make sure they are safe. This past weekend, a friend in Sydney said there was a faint smell of smoke and another sent us a smoggy picture of downtown Melbourne.

Overall, you will be safe, as the fires are outside urban areas; however, if you’re in or near an affected area or planning any travel, you are encouraged to monitor news, radio and social media channels for updates and to follow the instructions and advice of local authorities.

State specific info, including real-time fire alerts and maps can be found at the following websites:

Australia’s primary emergency call service number is triple zero (000).

This has been heartbreaking as we all watch helplessly, but OzTREKK and its employees have made donations to relief organizations. If you are in a position to do so and are interested, there are great resources online to help you make your decision.
