Bond Law talks about professional admission to practice law in Canada

30 March 2017

Many Canadians are deciding to study law at an Australian university. And why not? Many Australian law schools are among the top 50 in the world! But what comes after you’ve received your law degree?

Bond Law talks about professional admission to practice law in Canada
Learn more about Bond Law School

To practice law in Canada, you will need to complete articles and a bar admission course. To be eligible for articles and a bar admission course in any of the common law provinces, a graduate of an Australian law program will need a Certificate of Qualification (CQ) from the National Committee on Accreditation (NCA) of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. The NCA issues a CQ to international qualified applicants confirming that the applicant has an understanding and knowledge of Canadian law and knowledge equivalent to that of a graduate of a Canadian common law program.
Application for a CQ is made to the NCA at the end of your Bond Law degree. Once a Canadian law student receives a final graduation certificate and applies to the NCA, it currently takes about three months for the NCA to issue a CQ, or to advise which extra challenge exams the graduate must complete in Canada. In order for the NCA to issue the CQ, assessment criteria must be met.
Students are strongly encouraged consult the NCA website and conduct their own research to ensure they are aware of the requirements pertaining to their specific circumstances.
The NCA certifies that an applicant has

  • an understanding and knowledge of Canadian law, and
  • knowledge equivalent to that of a graduate of a Canadian common law program.

Equivalence to an approved Canadian common law, law degree serves as the benchmark when the NCA evaluates applicants with legal education or training in another country or in a Canadian civil law program. The NCA Certificate of Qualification does not, however, duplicate a Canadian law degree, which varies between law schools. NCA applicants may be asked to challenge examinations in subjects that all law schools may not require for a law degree.
Effective January 2015, the NCA introduced a new Assessment Policy. The new policy clarifies different aspects of the NCA Assessment process and brings the policy into compliance with the Federation’s National Requirement for Canadian Common Law Programs. Other NCA policies, including Assessment Appeal and deadlines for completing assigned requirements, are unchanged.

Choosing to study at Bond Law School

Recognized as one of the top-ranked Australian law schools, Bond Law School has earned a reputation for its innovative teaching methods, international focus, skills training, and the outstanding success of its graduates. The Bond JD’s combination of excellent teaching, small classes and an extensive legal skills program differentiates Bond from other institutions. It provides an exciting learning experience that both challenges students academically and prepares them practically for a legal career.
Bond Canadian Law Students Association
You may be far from home, but the Bond Canadian Law Students Association (CLSA) helps to make your transition as smooth as possible. They provide information sessions on the National Committee of Accreditation process as well as information for Canadians wishing to stay in Australia.
Program: Juris Doctor (JD)
Location: Gold Coast, Queensland
Semester intakes: January, May, September
Duration: 2 years
Application deadline: Candidates are encouraged to apply a minimum of three months prior to the program start date.

Apply now to Bond Law School!


Learn more about Bond Law School! Contact OzTREKK’s Australian Law Schools Admissions Officer Shannon Tilston at
