ARC funding boosts research across Macquarie University
Macquarie University research across science, human sciences and the arts will receive a boost in 2015, as part of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Major Grants Announcement.
The awards include 12 Discovery Projects lead by Macquarie researchers, across a broad range of areas from the history of opinion polls in Australia to new methods to solve wifi network congestion.
Five Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRAs) were also granted to Macquarie University researchers across geology, psychology, computing, cognitive science and microbiology.
Minister for Education the Hon. Christopher Pyne MP said it was vital that our young researchers were offered funding opportunities to progress their careers and build Australia’s long-term innovation base. “If Australia is to keep up with the rest of the world, we must invest in our young researchers, to provide them with the resources to become internationally competitive.”
A Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities grant was also awarded for a major medical biotechnology project into nanoparticle tracking, with a new facility to support world-class researchers in the multi-disciplinary areas of physical, material and life sciences, placing Australia at the forefront of nanoscale biophotonics.
About Macquarie University
Well known for its prestigious business programs in accounting, actuarial studies and finance, Macquarie University is also a leader in fields such as science, engineering and linguistics. Times Education UK recently ranked Macquarie first in Australia and 14th worldwide for Environmental Science and the WLAN technology that led to Wi-Fi was developed at Macquarie and later sold for $500 million.
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