About the Sydney Master of Physiotherapy program

13 August 2014

The University of Sydney offers a two year, graduate-entry Master of Physiotherapy program, which is intended for students coming from an undergraduate degree in a related field and who wish to gain the requirements to become a physiotherapist.

University of Sydney Physiotherapy School
Study at the beautiful University of Sydney!

The Sydney MPT aims to

  • prepare graduates to become professional physiotherapists by providing them with the education to properly assess, diagnose and treat people with movement problems caused by a wide variety of joint, muscle and nerve disorders; and
  • encourage the undertaking of research within the profession.

Coursework throughout this program builds on the major areas of the profession, such as musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary and neurological physiotherapy, as well as looking at the profession in its societal context.
Students complete four block-mode clinical placements throughout their program, which are complemented by coursework studies. Sydney MPT students are required to complete at least one of those placements in a rural or regional location. Eligible students are also given the opportunity to complete the “Faculty of Health Science (FHS) Abroad” program, in which six elective credits from the final year of the program can be undertaken South and South East Asia.
Clinical and academic components to this program seek to create graduates who are ready to enter the profession and who have a range of experience in different social and clinical contexts.

Dean’s International Graduate Entry Masters Scholarship

The Sydney Faculty of Health Sciences is offering the Dean’s International Graduate Entry Masters Scholarship This scholarship will awarded to an international student who is commencing a Graduate Entry Masters in the Sydney Faculty of Health Sciences for the semester 1, 2015 intake. The scholarship will be awarded based on both academic achievement in the candidates undergraduate degree and a one-page personal statement that describes leadership experience, future career goals and reason for choice of degree.
For more information about the, please contact OzTREKK’s Australian Physiotherapy Schools Admissions Officer Sarah Bridson.
Program: Master of Physiotherapy (MPT)
Location: Sydney, New South Wales
Duration: 2 years
Semester intake: February 2015
Application deadline: October 1, 2014
Entry requirements
1. Completed an undergraduate degree from a recognized university.
2. Have achieved a minimum cumulative GPA of 4.5, which the University of Sydney states is approximately equivalent to a Credit average or better. A Credit average at the University of Sydney is between a 65-74%. Your grades assessed for admission are based on your highest-ranked university degree.
3. Have completed undergraduate studies in the following prerequisite areas:

  • human anatomy
  • human physiology
  • neuroscience
  • biomechanics
  • psychology
  • motor performance and learning
  • research design and statistics
  • measurement of human performance
  • exercise physiology (desirable but not essential)

It is recommended that you apply for this program if you have achieved a minimum 65% cumulative average in your university studies. Please note that this is a minimum average to be eligible to apply. Students who have not yet completed an undergraduate degree may apply, as long as they will have graduated prior to commencing the Master of Physiotherapy program.
Applicants will be offered places of admission based on academic merit/standing. The faculty will assess applications on a rolling admissions basis

Apply to the Sydney Physiotherapy School!


For more information about Sydney Physiotherapy School, contact OzTREKK’s Australian Physiotherapy Schools Admissions Officer Sarah Bridson at sarah@oztrekk.com or call toll free in Canada at 1 866-698-7355.
