What does it take to get into Melbourne Medical School? How can you take your medical degree home to practice? Join OzTREKK and the University of Melbourne’s Head of the Medical School Prof John Prins for our upcoming webinar!

The University of Melbourne is recognized as Australia’s leading university. Navigating through the final years of university and into the early stages of a professional…

26 July 2019 OzTREKK Ambassadors

OzTREKK Ambassadors: Overnight Trips in Victoria

We know all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and we also know that when you’re studying in Australia, you will have some study breaks. Think you’ll be bored? No way! Here, first-year Melbourne MD student and OzTREKK Ambassador Josh Walt outlines a few “things to do!”

Recently, more than 1,200 medicine, nursing, dentistry, physiotherapy, audiology, biomedical, science, speech pathology and social work students from the University of Melbourne ran a Teddy Bear Hospital (TBH) to raise funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday appeal.

Why do so many Canadians consider studying at an Australian medical school? Because Australian and Canada share similar medical systems, similar medical education, and similar…