UQx investigates murder, and so can you!

11 September 2014

Really cool online course alert!

Become part of a murder investigation by registering for the University of Queensland’s latest Massive Open Online Course on edX, Crime101x: The Psychology of Criminal Justice.
Participants will tackle questions like, How should you find the witness? Should you believe the confession? and How should the jury reach a verdict?
Best part? It’s FREE.
UQ School of Psychology Associate Professor and course co-cordinator Blake McKimmie said students would experience the case through weekly videos, starting from the murder scene through to the jury’s verdict.
“The course systematically explores the effectiveness of the law and justice system from a psychology perspective,“ Associate Professor McKimmie said.
“The videos from the crime scene work in conjunction with academic explanations to discuss what is happening at each stage of the justice process.”
UQ School of Psychology academics Associate Professor Barbara Masser and Associate Professor Mark Horswill are also coordinating the course and feature in the videos alongside Associate Professor McKimmie.
“Our cast and crew has filmed at multiple locations across St Lucia, including the jury scene at UQ’s Moot Court,” Associate Professor McKimmie said.
“By walking through the investigation of crimes and the criminal justice process, you can learn about the psychology of law and some of the commonly held misconceptions.
“Witness when the crime is committed, be involved in the investigation and follow the trial from the perspective of the eyewitness, an interviewer and a juror.”

The eight-week course accepts students globally and will launch on October 21, 2014. And BTW, OzTREKK’s Office Administrator/Admissions Coordinator Molly McNulty is signed up!

No prior knowledge about psychology or the legal system is necessary, just a curiosity about the criminal justice system!


Find out more about psychology programs at Australian universities. Contact OzTREKK’s Australian Psychology Schools Admissions Officer Adam Smith to learn more about the University of Queensland psychology programs and about how you can study in Australia! Email Adam at adam@oztrekk.com or call 1-866-698-7355.
