University of Newcastle receives funding to boost the learning experience

30 July 2015

The University of Newcastle has been successful in the latest round of Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT) funding for diverse educational projects.

University of Newcastle in Australia
Study at the University of Newcastle

Associate Professor Kathleen Butler has been awarded a National Teaching Fellowship on “Sociology technology and Indigenous issues.” This fellowship seeks to formally extend critical conversations on Indigenisation of curriculum to the discipline of sociology. The fellowship will employ focus groups in three states to gather data, culminating in a symposium highlighting models of best practice. These models will be disseminated through a range of means including an ongoing website hosted by the University of Newcastle.
Associate Professor Seamus Fagan is leading a project “(Re)claiming social capital: improving language and cultural pathways for refugee students into Australian higher education.”
In association with Curtin University and Macquarie University, the University of Newcastle will identify the pathways taken by Humanitarian Entrant Background students to enter higher education and how these students experience their transitions into and through undergraduate study.
The University of Newcastle is also a partner institution into a study led by Griffith University examining “Augmenting student’s learning for employability through post-practicum educational processes.”

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