Q&A webinar with current UQ Bachelor of Pharmacy student Nov 22

21 November 2016

Maybe you have already filled out the application and received an offer, or maybe you are just toying with the idea of studying pharmacy in Australia.

Q&A session with current UQ Bachelor of Pharmacy student
You can study pharmacy in Australia and practice in Canada!

Great news! Former OzTREKK and current UQ student Rabina will be online to chat about life as a UQ Bachelor of Pharmacy student. This is a great opportunity to learn everything you wanted to know about the program, the university, and life in Brisbane! Totally casual—feel free to ask anything you’d like!

UQ Bachelor of Pharmacy Q & A

Date: Tuesday, November 22
Time: 7 p.m. (Ontario time)
Register: krista@oztrekk.com

UQ Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)

The UQ Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) program is a well-established, professionally accredited learning framework that is well received by both students and the profession. The program has evolved into one of the country’s most comprehensive and well-respected pharmacy degrees, both domestically and internationally.
Program: Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)
Location: Brisbane, Queensland
Semester intake: February
Duration: 4 years

Credit Transfers!

In order to be eligible for credit transfer consideration, candidates must first submit a complete application. If you receive an offer to the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) program, you may then begin the application for credit process.
Gather course lists and course descriptions that best match the above courses. A short, one-paragraph description of the course won’t be enough. The university needs to determine if your studies match the UQ equivalent. The information should contain an overview of numbers of lectures, practicals, tutorials, etc. in the course, list of learning objectives if available, lecture titles and descriptions, practical titles, timetable to indicate the number of contact hours of the various types in the course, summary of assessment, etc. If you have questions about application for credit, please let us know—we’re here to help!

Apply to UQ Pharmacy School!


For more information about this webinar, contact OzTREKK’s Australian Pharmacy Schools Admissions Officer Krista McVeigh at krista@oztrekk.com.
