Choosing which university to attend may be a no-brainer for some. While for others, coming to a decision that feels right can be a challenge. If you fall in the latter category, there’s some great advice in Ruth Chang’s “How To Make Hard Choices” TED Talk.
Are you interested to learn more about studying medicine or dentistry? Then we have a virtual fair with your name on it!
Are you wondering about your study options? Curious to know more about studying medicine, dentistry, law, physio…? Since you can’t get out to explore, we’re bringing the best of Australian education to you!
Chat with university representatives, learn more about your program of interest… and pop in to one (or all!) of our Breakout Info Sessions!
Are you interested in exploring your study options? What’s your dream career, and what do you need to get there? Join us at one of our upcoming Study in Australia Fairs this weekend to meet us and Australian university representatives to find out more about your study options—no matter what your interest!
Can you picture yourself in a great career? What do you need to get there? Join us at one of our upcoming Study in Australia Fairs this…
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